Caroline County and the State of Maryland offer many incentives to help businesses startup, grow, and expand. The Town of Ridgely is always happy to work with our partners to help local businesses succeed.
Caroline County Manufacturing Tax Credit
Caroline County offers a tax credit for manufacturers who make improvements to real property. Eligible businesses receive a 100% real property tax credit (County only) on the incremental increased value resulting from the improvements.
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More Jobs for Marylanders – Manufacturing Tax Credit
Manufacturers that create at least 10 new jobs are eligible for a State income tax credit of 5.75% of wage per new position.
Maryland Department of Commerce Caroline County Economic Development
Other State of Maryland Incentives
The State of Maryland offers a variety of other incentives for research & development, wineries and vineyards, and cybersecurity investments, among many others. Caroline County Economic Development can help businesses identify and apply for any relevant incentives.
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Maryland Department of Commerce Caroline County Economic Development
Business Resources
There are many local, regional, and state resources to help businesses. These organizations can help startups, as well as established businesses.
Caroline County Economic Development
Caroline County Office of Tourism
Caroline County Chamber of Commerce
Maryland Department of Commerce
Mid-Shore Regional Technology Park
The Mid-Shore Regional Technology Park is located just north of Ridgely. It encompasses 92 acres and is equipped with electricity, water and sewer, broadband internet, paved roads, sidewalks, and streetlights. The park offers the opportunity to build a facility that perfectly suits your business’s needs. Caroline County Economic Development staff can discuss incentives and resources for the development of property within the park.